My name is philipp walser.
The change artist
The well-being of our planet is close to my heart. It is no coincidence that International Earth Day is celebrated on my birthday. A custom that has also existed since 1967 - the year I was born. Coincidence? Hardly.
In everything I do, I want to contribute to a sustainable life and a better world. Therefore I live my truth and create connection. Connection to me and between people as well as between people, technology, and nature, between the spiritual and physical world, as well as between cultures.
For me, the meaning of our life consists of three elements. Firstly, find your tribe. Secondly, fulfill your mission with humanity. Thirdly, fulfill your mission with Mother Earth. I have accepted this assignment, and I am consistently implementing it with WalserWandel. It all makes sense and fills me with incredible gratitude and joy.
My topics and focuses derive from my essence and truth. My activity is therefore an expression of my innermost essence. Change and transformation have been constant companions throughout my life. I was able to experience these personally and professionally and hence internalize their many facets. Reason enough to take my experience from the inside outwards and thus to do my service to my fellow human beings and the world around me.

my experience
I can look back on a varied and formative past that took place both nationally in Switzerland and in the international environment. Here are my main steps:
Studied business administration at the University of Zurich with a focus on international marketing and work and organizational psychology
more than 10 years management of interdisciplinary projects for the food company Nestlé in more than 15 countries (Europe, Asia, North and South Americaerika), with a focus on audit, supply chain management and establishment of the "Commercial Training & Development" department
Training and activity as Change & Implementation Manager of Nestlé GLOBE (Global Business Excellence Team) in North and South America
more than 13 years in Brazil for Nestlé, as an entrepreneur, as a restaurant owner, as a partner of BrasilEuro and EcoWin, as a member of the "Green Building Council" and as head of the "Environmental Protection and Sustainability" committee of the Swiss-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce
more than 10 years in the field of electromobility as head of the Swiss technical office for electric vehicles, as managing director of e'mobile and as official representative of the Federal Office of Energy at the International Energy Agency IEA (working group "Implementing Agreement for Hybrid and Electric Vehicles")
for 2 years part of the creative living community "Jupiterhaus" in Zurich with facility management, strategy development and establishment of an emotional academy
since 2017 owner of Walser New Mobility, among others as a project partner of the Geneva International Motor Show, of Swiss-Solar-City.ch and of BRAVE (Brasil Veículos Elétricos)
in 2022 gradutaed as Cantor Holistic Touch® practitioner with CHT founder, Christine Strübin, and voluntary work as a driver for SanMobil
My personal and professional experiences have always been about change and transformation. Because throughout my life I have always been moving and changing. What made me learn and grow. And what took me a valuable step towards myself.
With WalserWandel I go one step further and bring my passion, my experience and the topics that are most important to me together. So that a sustainable transformation and real connection is possible. So that I can make my contribution to the well-being of our planet. For a new oneCulture, a newmobility, a newenergy, a newnutrition.
Or quite simply: For a happy togetherness.
"Everything is a people business.
People first, then the business.»